Saturday, February 26, 2011

Todays thoughts and dollar stretching.....

Today is a beautiful day sun has been out and birds are chirping.  God is showing us such great beauty. Today I've gotten a load of dishes going and some laundry going.  My wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters are spending the afternoon together.  My husband got a free pass to go tobogganing, so they went to do that today since this is the last day to do it and the weather is pretty good.  I stayed home and decided to get a few things done before we have to go to our nephews birthday party.  He turns 16 today and so the family is getting together to celebrate it with him.  While I've been enjoying my quiet time here at home, I've got a lot on my mind on how to fix up a bigger garden spot and make the ground more fertile.  Our ground is not the best ground to grow on. We've always had a pretty good crop but the drainage isn't that good.  So, I've been thinking to add some sand, manure, and straw.  Where we have our garden their must have been a building their at one time.  We are always digging up all kinds of tools and glass and pottery. I planted inside in a pot a couple of weeks ago some cilantro and it is growing up into a nice plant.  This just excites me to start planning my garden.  I have two spots and one is for vegetables and the other is mainly fruit and flowers.  I have got to do better on my weeding this year.  I don't fair well in the heat and humidity.

The other day I bought a two packs of chicken breast.  Our local grocery store had a good deal on them and so I bought two.  It didn't look like that their was enough for four people so I decided to cook both packages.  When I opened up the first one I sure was surprised to find out that these breast were bigger then I had thought and their was more to the package then it showed.  So, I decided to still cook them all and make them into several meals.  These chicken breast were so large that the four of us were able to split each breast in half and that feed us for several meals.  The first meal I made baked chicken with potatoes and a salad and biscuits.  The second meal I made still baked chicken, chicken flavored noodles and green beans.  I was short on time so I had to make it quickly my husband had a deacons meeting so it was a quick meal.  The next day I took the rest of the noodle and chicken and made chicken noodles and mashed potatoes and corn. I could have made part of it into chicken salad for a lunch but my family was getting tired of eating the chicken, so I went to freeze the rest for meals later on.  If you find a good deal like that is can make your family several meals and in the long run it saves you so much money.  I try to find deals like that to streetch my dollar out and make several different meals out of one meal or meat.  I had spent $5 dollars on 6-7 chicken breast and $3 dollars on the package of noodles. The rest I had at home.  Now you could make your own noodles but I dont'. I am planning on trying to make my own noodles, cause their is nothing better then homemade noodles. So I had three meals on $8 dollars for three days and some was frozen so I actually got more then my moneys worth.  My corn and green beans is what we froze or was already in the freezer.  The potatoes I had already on stock along with the biscuits.  Share your ideas with me.




  1. Sounds like you got a pretty good deal with your chicken. Do you check Albright's? They usually have GREAT deals on chicken breasts. Usually $1.49 lb. in 10# packages. They have GREAT prices on their cheese too. I bought some shredded cheese there the last time I bought cheese. $1.49 lb! I bought 5# of shredded cheddar & 5# of shredded mozzarella. We are crazy cheese eaters around here! :)

  2. Yes, I buy most of my meat their and cheese. We love their meat. I try to buy most of my meat since they are a great butcher. Thanks!
