Thursday, February 24, 2011

Today's thougts....

As I hunker down preparing for the snow storm that we are to get again, I have thought a lot about my children and getting ready for planting of my garden and planting new trees.  I purchased yesterday a new homesteading book called (The Backyard Homestead) I have only had a chance to glance through it and have not had a chance to dig into studying it.  But it is something I've been wanting to do here but not all of it.  But it does make me think a lot more as the gas prices rise higher and higher.  It is going to come to the point to where I won't be able to afford hardly anything anymore.  With my children it makes me worry what will my husband and I be able to leave our children.  Will it leave us homeless or will we be able to manage to hang on as we slowly seek deeper into a depression. It makes me think with more and more people loosing their homes and jobs what is going to happen this world. As I talked to my dear friend Miki today we both talked about and have thought about for sometime that will we return to the prairie ways of life.  To me it doesn't seem that far fetched.  They had something going for them, a much cleaner world and lived more simply.  I have been trying these past few months tried to be more simplified.  I have a long ways to go but will get their.  We live in a world that I must have it and got to have it no matter what it takes. What is that teaching our children.  Do I think that the modern world is a bad thing, no I don't but the instant gratification I do on the other hand dont' think it is all that is cracked up to be.  My children are less patient and I find myself to be less and less patient as I use to be.  It is funny that my husband and I talk about that we didn't have remotes and our kids looked at us like we lived in the dinosour age.  Now we spend hours on end finding the remote instead of walking to the t.v. to push a button.  Now that is crazy! Their are things I wouldn't mind living without but my computer isn't one of them. I use to pick up a piece of paper or phone a friend but now I keep in touch with friends via e-mail or facebook or even blogging.  Blogging  at least with the old blogg site I use to belong too I made some wonderful friendships with.  I no longer have kept up with them since I can no longer log into it since I forgot my password, I would say it is a age thing but it is due to things in life that kept me from getting on and due to such a long time I no longer remember.  My dear friend had joined this site and due to her, I trust her judgement and know that this is the new place I am to be.  So while I am leaning this new site for me I hope that life leads me to new friendships and simplier ways to keep in touch. 

Blessings to all of you,


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