Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Just a quick note to say hello.  Since this is my first day on here, let me tell you a little bit about myself.  I am a stay at home mom who has been homeshcooling my girls now for about 8 years.  My family and I have around 2 acres that we garden and can our produce.  I work two days a week taking care of an older lady from my church.  She really gives me a lot of enjoyment of learning about life and friendship.  God has blessed me and my family in so many ways.  About a year ago we had a big scare when my husband was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  You never think that those words would be said to you and your loved ones but when they do they sure do give you different perspective of life.  I thought that day my life was going to end as I knew it.  I was so scared and felt so alone.  Even though my family and my husband was their, I was alone.  I didn't know what I was going to do, how was I going to take care of my girls.  I didn't have a job other then taking care of my older lady from church.  This is only two days a week for a few hours a day.This was not going to provide an income nor keep our home.  All of these thoughts were screaming in my head.  I was never so scared in my life.  I cried myself to sleep several days and was so emotional.  I thought I only have a few years of college with no degree.  Do I go back to college, what do I do.  I never thought about death so much as I did then.  Thank God was God was their with me and reminded me that I was not alone and that he had it in His hands and was in control  Praise God my husband is now cancer free and I no longer have that worry.  Now I must share this with you. My husbands aunt and two cousins from the same mother all had the same cancer. Please dont' let anything go unchecked especially if it is the smallest thing. Life is to short and scary enough. 
Blessings to all,
Just so you all know their are places that can check your genicts out to see if you are a carrier of the cancer gene. 

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